
About 9/11: Am American Disaster

This is yet another post that could be off topic as far as the subject of some of my blogs are concerned. However, this is important nonetheless. This is about America, the country I live in and how the September 11th Disaster that occurred on September 11th, 2001 affected our whole country, and our whole world. Therefore, I decided to alert you that I have posted this entry on more than one of my blogs.

You can find the most significant entry I wrote pertaining to the 9/11 disaster here:

My inspiration for this entry I posted at the link above was ignited by a call to submissions by

Whether you are touched more by my story or another's is not really the issue. I just hope you find something that you can identify with or related to on this evening of the September, 11th Disaster (and the days onward) when you read the stories of real people. 

Warm wishes
J.A.B.'s Freelance World, A Whole New World of Writing!